Category Archives for #ASMSG

My Short Story “Dyad” Gets a Podcast Makeover

As I posted on my Facebook page earlier this week, I have good news and I have bad news.

First the good: my short story “Dyad,” originally published in The Cyborg Chronicles, was sold to the StarShipSofa podcast who turned into a great audio experience.

“Dyad” is a futuristic cop story. When two federal agents from TechDiv show up in the TaylorTech parking lot, CEO Dr. John Taylor worries that his cybernetic parts company is in for an unannounced inspection. Then he learns his daughter may be in danger from a rogue cyborg and the feds need his help.

On the flip side, they managed to misspell my last name on their website as Burns, instead of Bruns. Never fear, it’s really me! Even after 50 years, hearing your family name mispronounced never gets old. (They have promised to fix it.)

Give it a listen here. The story starts at about the 5:15 mark if you want to skip the parts where the commentator butchers my surname over and over again…

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David Bruns is the creator of the sci-fi series The Dream Guild Chronicles and numerous speculative fiction short works. In his spare time, he co-authors contemporary thrillers with titles like Weapons of Mass Deceptiona story of modern-day nuclear terrorism. Get the David Bruns Starter Library for free.

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