Category Archives for cover reveal

Producing WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION, The Collector’s Edition

WeaponsMassCollector_CVR (2)Welcome back to Two Navy Guys and a Novel, the place where we are embarrassed that we haven’t posted in a few weeks. If you’d like to see all the past episodes, you can visit our web page.

As of this writing, Weapons of Mass Deception is sporting twenty-five 5-star reviews! Sales have been slow, but steady. Most surprising to me is that paperback sales have been as strong as e-books. So far this month, we have sold almost equal numbers of both formats.

What? You don't have your copy of WMD yet?



This post-launch period has been pretty crazy as we try to get the word out about our little fictional creation. The Sunday after the launch, JR and I were interviewed on local newsradio by the talented Roshini Rajkumar about WMD and Memorial Day. Our hometown paper interviewed us for a story that will go out next Thursday. (Don’t worry, you can be sure we’ll brag about it here…)

Saying Thank You to Our Kickstarter Backers

A good portion of our post-launch time has gone into fulfilling all those rewards for our wonderful Kickstarter backers. The ebooks were delivered on Launch Day in May, and the paperbacks went in the mail around the first of June, so all of our efforts since have been on producing the Collector’s Edition hardback volume.

So What Makes the Collector’s Edition unique?

New Cover – the picture at the top of the post is the new cover we commissioned exclusively for the Collector’s Edition dust jacket. We wanted to have a new image for this very special edition. A lot of our reviewers were appreciative of the fact that we put so much time into developing our “bad guys” into real, three-dimensional characters, so the Collector’s Edition cover shows the threat in a very personal way.

After this limited release printing run, this cover will not be used again.

Maps – if you haven’t read the book yet, it moves all over the globe: Annapolis, Helsinki, Lebanon, South America, you name it, we go there.

JR had this idea that we might like to include maps in the book to help readers stay oriented. A week later, I was at a sci-fi conference in Minneapolis and happened to connect with a map artist…as they say, the rest is history. And we’re not talking just a few maps in the front matter, we put a map in the text every time we switch location in the book!

This is what a chapter header map looks like:


Limited Release – As we’ve said all along, the Collector’s Edition is exclusively for Kickstarter backers. With that in mind, we’re planning to do one purchase and issue them numerically. Then that edition is gone for good.

Naturally, our secret hope is that Weapons of Mass Deception becomes an international bestseller and all those Kickstarter backers end up with a very valuable book…

Want to see what all the fuss is about? 


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David author pic - cropped-minDavid Bruns is the creator of the sci-fi series The Dream Guild Chronicles, one half of the Two Navy Guys and a Novel blog series about co-writing a military thriller, and co-author of Weapons of Mass Deceptiona story of modern-day nuclear terrorism.