Category Archives for self-publishing

Cover Reveal: Irradiance: The Dream Guild Chronicles – Book One


When I released Dream Guild last year, I was surprised by the number of people who wanted to know more about the fictional world I had dipped into. So I decided to go back, way back, and tell the story of how it all got started. Irradiance is the first in a trilogy, but I could easily see it stretching into a five book series.


A dying planet . . .
A desperate couple . . .
A daring plan …

Maribel is a new mother of twins and a citizen of post-Reformation Sindra. In this bioengineered, telepathically networked society of comfort and safety, the only relationship that matters is the one between a Citizen and her Community.

But Maribel is also a scientist, and scientists follow facts, wherever they lead.
Her search for the truth awakens emotions in her she never knew existed, uncovers ancient powers long hidden in Sindra’s history, and has the potential to destroy the Community.

Irradiance is the story of Maribel’s choice.

Release date is March 6, 2014 on Amazon.