What I’m Reading: CONVICTION by Tammy Salyer

If you’re going to be insubordinate, at least have the guts to do it with conviction. Maybe not the smartest philosophy a soldier can adopt, but it’s made me the woman I am today.

91v2XUyBf4L._SL1500_That’s the voice of Aly Erickson, the heroine of Conviction. No further introduction required.

Conviction is a prequel to Tammy Salyer‘s excellent military sci-fi Spectras Arise trilogy. You can read my thoughts on the first book in the series, Contract of Defiance.

Although this novella was released after the series, I really enjoyed revisiting Aly and her brother, David. The story fills in the background of why they’re so close, why they left the Corps, and how they met their partner-nemesis Rajcik.

As always, Tammy’s prose is sharp enough to cut glass and so gritty at times you can feel the dirt under your fingernails. Check out this line from our smart-ass heroine: “What’s the matter, Smitty? Sand in your mangina?” …You look like you’re forming a pearl.”

If you haven’t checked out Tammy’s work, this 99-cent novella is a great way to start.

Highly recommended.


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David Bruns is the creator of the sci-fi series The Dream Guild Chronicles, and one half of the Two Navy Guys and a Novel blog series about co-writing the military thriller, Weapons of Mass Deception. Check out his website for a free sample of his work.