Tag Archives for " short story "

Reading for a Cause on #VeteransDay – Get Your Badge of Support!

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As a veteran myself, I’m proud to be Writing for a Cause with Tails of the Apocalypse and Pets for Vets. If you haven’t heard of what we’re doing, then here’s the Reader’s Digest version:

$1 from every book sold in 2015 will be donated to Pets for Vets, a national non-profit that trains rescue dogs to act as companion animals to veterans.


That’s it—no rebates, no proof of purchase, no nothing. The editor of Tails will give a check to Pets for Vets on January 1, 2016, that is equal to the number of books we sell. Period.

Buy the Book and display this Badge to show your support:

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We operate on the honor system: if you show the badge, we’re assuming you support the cause by purchasing a book. We’ve seen people post these on their Facebook page, even use them as profile pics.

There’s even a giveaway if you’d like to try to snag a paperback or an audiobook copy.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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David Bruns is the creator of the sci-fi series The Dream Guild Chronicles, one half of the Two Navy Guys and a Novel blog series about co-writing a military thriller, and co-author of Weapons of Mass Deceptiona story of modern-day nuclear terrorism.

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