Tag Archives for " thriller "

Writing a Novel About Terrorism: When Fiction Becomes Reality


When JR and I set out to write Jihadi Apprentice, we intended for it to be fiction–realistic fiction, mind you, but still fiction.

Sometimes art imitates life and sometimes it's the other way around.

I explored what it means to write a novel about homegrown terrorism in an age of homegrown terrorism in a guest post over at The Angry Staff Officer.

Please take a moment to give it a read.

David Bruns & JR Olson, AKA the Two Navy Guys, are proud Minnesotans, US Navy veterans and co-authors of “ripped from the headlines” thrillers about current events, like Weapons of Mass Deception.  Join the Two Navy Guys Readers Group and get a free copy of Death of a Pawn, an international murder mystery.