6 Writing Techniques I Learned at Storymasters

davidbruns-525x370I have a guest post running over at Writer Unboxed today about my experience attending my first writing workshop. Here's the opening paragraph:

Sometimes you just need to jump into the deep end of the pool. Take, for example, my New Year’s writing goal to attend a craft workshop. When the opportunity to attend StoryMasters in February came up on my radar screen, I decided to knock out one of my 2015 goals early in the year.

Read the rest at Writer Unboxed.


1 comment
Hanna Loren says May 24, 2015

What an awesome seminar with three amazing teacher/mentors. Your WU post captures the essence of exactly that which every writer must infuse into their book. Thank you so much for sharing, and bringing it to all WU followers so succinctly. My current WIP is a contemporary YA that includes a political/military thriller sub-plot. This is my deepest plunge into writing a ‘publish worthy’ book. I gained the courage to begin this book from a full day seminar Mr. Maass gave in Toronto (Canada) that also had me bursting with ideas while battling the self doubt I’ve always had about ever getting published. The battle continues, though the book is nearing completion.

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